Q: Where does the choir meet?
A: The choirs meet in the Fellowship Hall of the First Christian Church in Baton Rouge, 8484 Old Hammond Hwy. We have another another room available for any parents and siblings who wish to remain on the grounds while the choirs are meeting. A nursery is available for younger children as well but is reserved for parents who are helping with the program. Registration advised.
Q: What day and times do the choirs meet?
A: All rehearsals & theory class take place on Tuesday afternoons.
Choirs include 30 minutes of theory instruction and one hour of rehearsal time.
Q: When is the Concert? (Spring Dates 2020)
A: Dress rehearsal is scheduled for Friday afternoon, April 3, 2020 at 2:15pm. The spring semester concert is promptly at 10:30am on Saturday morning, April 4, 2020 in the sanctuary of the church.
Q: Who can join?
A: The choirs are open for any homeschooling family with children ages 4 (by Aug. 1, 2022) through 12th grade. Students wanting to join Lyrical Measures must be 11 years old before Aug. 1, 2022.
Q: What are the fees? (Prices subject to change)
A: Families with only one child participating in the choir will pay a family fee of $200 plus a student fee of $20. Families with two or more children participating in the choir will pay a family fee of $250 plus a student fee of $20 per student (First Edition and Lyrical Measures Choirs). There is also a $20 fee for each child participating in Rhythm Band. Families who have children ONLY in the Rhythm Band will pay a flat family fee of $130 + $20 student fee. If you have only one child in choir and one in the Rhythm Band, you will still pay the $250 family fee. See registration/enrollment form for clarification. Registration Closes December 31, 2019 for the spring semester.
Q: When are the fees due?
A: There will be both a flash sale registration and regular registration each semester. If you pay your fees before the flash sale registration expires, you will receive a discount on the family fee. If you pay your fees after regular registration closes, a $50 late fee will be added. If a payment option is necessary due to unforeseen circumstances, please discuss this with Sherry Barron ([email protected]). Early bird registration with discount is now expired.
Q: Do I have to pay as soon as I register?
A: No, but it is strongly advised that you do! You can register at any time once registration opens, but you must register early for the flash sale rate and pay before it's expiration! Unless you are mailing a check, you will need to RE-Register if you have not paid the first time. Sorry, it's the way the forms are set up. If you need to wait until a later date to pay the fees, please contact Sherry. You DO have to pay all of the fees by the time registration closes or you will incure the $50 late fee penalty. (see above)
Q: How will I be involved as a parent?
A: It is our goal to keep costs as low as possible for our families. The way we do this is by operating the choir like a co-op. This means that every parent is expected to contribute to the working of the choir in some way. Don't worry, you don't have to know anything about music! There are many jobs available including set up, clean up, managing our Facebook page, or creating program/playbill for our concerts. We will also need help in the choir and theory classes to help manage the students. Jobs are assigned once your registration process is complete.
Q: Why must my child attend the mandatory theory class to be in the choir?
A: Our mission statement is: "To provide area homeschool children with the opportunity to use their God-given abilities, not only to learn music and participate in a choir, but to provide them with a music education that they can use for a lifetime." We want more for your children than for them to just learn a few songs and sing in a group with other kids. We want to give them the tools necessary so that they can pick up any piece of music and understand what is written and be able to hear what the music should sound like in their head. This is a gift that they will be able to use for the rest of their life. The registration fees cover your children being in the choir and theory class alike; however, recorder books may be purchased for $5 each.
Q: What if my child knows a lot about music already? Do they still have to take the theory class?
A: The Music Theory class is mandatory to participate in the choir. We are able to accommodate all levels of musical knowledge and help them learn even more! The theory class is taught by professional music instructors.
Q: When does the semester start and end? (Fall Dates!)
A: Beginning date - Tuesday, January 14, 2020 Ending date - Saturday, April 4, 2020 after our final performance.
Q: How long is the semester? What if I need to be absent and how are "tardies" counted?
A: Each semester is typically 12 to 13 weeks long depending on the calendar. Attendance is extremely important to ensure a successful choir experience and a well prepared concert. Missing more than 2 rehearsals is cause for dismissal. Two tardies are counted as an absence. We take this very seriously. Please contact Sherry Barron (Director) if you find that you must exceed two. Life happens! Excessive absences must be approved before they are able to participate in the final concert.
Q: Will there be any performances?
A: Yes! We will have at least one mandatory performance each semester. This is a free concert open to anyone who wants to attend. As well, there may be a possibility of outside performances of the children to participate. The outside performance is an opportunity for the students to give of themselves by performing for others in the community. Attendance at the outside performance will not be mandatory, but we strongly encourage everyone to participate! We work together as a team, when a team member is absent, the entire team is affected. In December of 2019, we were invited several places to sing!
Q: Does my child have to purchase a uniform?
A: Our desire is to keep the cost of this choir as affordable for our families as possible. No, your child is not required to purchase or wear a uniform; however, our performances will be formal so we do expect each student to wear a white collared long sleeve or 3/4 shirt and either black pants or a black skirt with black shoes. Bow-ties for boys are provided for the concert but must be returned! We want out students to look and sound their very best and bring excellence unto the Lord. Rhythm Band included!
Q: Can I get a refund if I decide to drop from choir or rhythm band?
A: All fees paid are non-refundable after August 1, 2022.
Q: Who is the director for the choirs?
A: Sherry Barron, a National Board Certified Music Educator, is the founder and CEO of The Academy for Cultivating Creative Arts, LLC and was the Curriculum Co-ordinator/Foundations Teacher for Kids’ Orchestra (2013). Currently, Sherry works as the Music Performance Coach for the Elementary Schools in West Feliciana Parish. Sherry is also a Co-founder, Ministry Director, and Bible teacher for Restore Ministries, a women’s retreat ministry. Mrs. Barron holds a Bachelor of Vocal Music Education from Louisiana State University and attended Southeastern Louisiana University with a concentration in piano performance and also holds certification in Music/Early and Middle Childhood from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (2006). She has directed various types of choirs for numerous years and has taught in both public and private school systems. Sherry’s professional organizations includes: Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra (BRSO) Education Committee Chair and Executive Board Member, Past President of the Red Stick Chapter of ASOA, Ex-Officio Board Member of Louisiana Music Educator’s Association (LMEA), Music Teacher’s National Association (MTNA), Baton Rouge Music Teacher Association (BRMTA), and the American Orff-Schulwerk Association (ASOA). She has served as a co-writer of the Louisiana State Music Curriculum Guide (2007) and the LA State Textbook Adoption Committee (2011). Her accomplishments include BRSO Music Teacher of the Year (2005), Bains Lower Teacher of the Year (2006), National Board Certification (2006), Honorary Commission as an Educational Leader and Mentor for the Congressional Youth Leadership Council (2005), and Who’s Who Among American Women (2007). She presents at various non-music and music workshops and has served as a panelist for the Cecil J. Picard Educator’s Excellence Symposium. Sherry was the Co-Producer for the television/radio broadcast of Kid’s Jamboree, an International Christian Ministry for children (1985-89). Very active in her church’s Worship Arts Ministry (WAM) for 20+ years, she also co-directed the WAM for Kids ministry. Instructing students of all ages, she has maintained a private piano studio for 30+ years. Mrs. Barron is actively involved in many facets of visual and performing arts and teaches Professional Development workshops to school systems and music organizations. Sherry’s passion is to share the beautiful art of music through a variety of means. She has a passion for planting musical seeds, growing and nurturing them to establish strong musicians that can give back to the artistic community at large. Visit her website for the many offerings she has for the surrounding Baton Rouge Area: www.cultivatingcreativearts.com
Q: Who is the Theory Instructor?
A: Hiring
Q: Who is the Rhythm Band Instructor?
A: Candi Lindsay, mother of eight and has worked with Rhythm Band since its beginning! Candi is a stay-at-home mom and homeschools her children. She has a tender heart of service and holds a BS in Management Information Systems. She calls herself a technology geek (Facebook, twitter, blog) but is a wanna-be photographer! Candi is married to Craig and their family loves the beach. She has been directing the Rhythm Band for the past year. Candi's name also describes her personality. She is "sweet" with a heart for the Lord and she desires to bring out the best in her students. We are very fortunate to have Candi as part of our team!
A: The choirs meet in the Fellowship Hall of the First Christian Church in Baton Rouge, 8484 Old Hammond Hwy. We have another another room available for any parents and siblings who wish to remain on the grounds while the choirs are meeting. A nursery is available for younger children as well but is reserved for parents who are helping with the program. Registration advised.
Q: What day and times do the choirs meet?
A: All rehearsals & theory class take place on Tuesday afternoons.
Choirs include 30 minutes of theory instruction and one hour of rehearsal time.
- First Edition Choir (grades 2-5) begins at 2:15 and ends at 3:45 (an additional 15 min. of instruction has been added to assist in the structure for waiting on siblings in the upper choir!) Suggested but not mandatory.
- Rhythm Band (ages 4-6) is a 30 minute session beginning at 2:15.
- Lyrical Measures (grades 6-12) begins at 2:45 and ends at 4:15.
Q: When is the Concert? (Spring Dates 2020)
A: Dress rehearsal is scheduled for Friday afternoon, April 3, 2020 at 2:15pm. The spring semester concert is promptly at 10:30am on Saturday morning, April 4, 2020 in the sanctuary of the church.
Q: Who can join?
A: The choirs are open for any homeschooling family with children ages 4 (by Aug. 1, 2022) through 12th grade. Students wanting to join Lyrical Measures must be 11 years old before Aug. 1, 2022.
Q: What are the fees? (Prices subject to change)
A: Families with only one child participating in the choir will pay a family fee of $200 plus a student fee of $20. Families with two or more children participating in the choir will pay a family fee of $250 plus a student fee of $20 per student (First Edition and Lyrical Measures Choirs). There is also a $20 fee for each child participating in Rhythm Band. Families who have children ONLY in the Rhythm Band will pay a flat family fee of $130 + $20 student fee. If you have only one child in choir and one in the Rhythm Band, you will still pay the $250 family fee. See registration/enrollment form for clarification. Registration Closes December 31, 2019 for the spring semester.
Q: When are the fees due?
A: There will be both a flash sale registration and regular registration each semester. If you pay your fees before the flash sale registration expires, you will receive a discount on the family fee. If you pay your fees after regular registration closes, a $50 late fee will be added. If a payment option is necessary due to unforeseen circumstances, please discuss this with Sherry Barron ([email protected]). Early bird registration with discount is now expired.
Q: Do I have to pay as soon as I register?
A: No, but it is strongly advised that you do! You can register at any time once registration opens, but you must register early for the flash sale rate and pay before it's expiration! Unless you are mailing a check, you will need to RE-Register if you have not paid the first time. Sorry, it's the way the forms are set up. If you need to wait until a later date to pay the fees, please contact Sherry. You DO have to pay all of the fees by the time registration closes or you will incure the $50 late fee penalty. (see above)
Q: How will I be involved as a parent?
A: It is our goal to keep costs as low as possible for our families. The way we do this is by operating the choir like a co-op. This means that every parent is expected to contribute to the working of the choir in some way. Don't worry, you don't have to know anything about music! There are many jobs available including set up, clean up, managing our Facebook page, or creating program/playbill for our concerts. We will also need help in the choir and theory classes to help manage the students. Jobs are assigned once your registration process is complete.
Q: Why must my child attend the mandatory theory class to be in the choir?
A: Our mission statement is: "To provide area homeschool children with the opportunity to use their God-given abilities, not only to learn music and participate in a choir, but to provide them with a music education that they can use for a lifetime." We want more for your children than for them to just learn a few songs and sing in a group with other kids. We want to give them the tools necessary so that they can pick up any piece of music and understand what is written and be able to hear what the music should sound like in their head. This is a gift that they will be able to use for the rest of their life. The registration fees cover your children being in the choir and theory class alike; however, recorder books may be purchased for $5 each.
Q: What if my child knows a lot about music already? Do they still have to take the theory class?
A: The Music Theory class is mandatory to participate in the choir. We are able to accommodate all levels of musical knowledge and help them learn even more! The theory class is taught by professional music instructors.
Q: When does the semester start and end? (Fall Dates!)
A: Beginning date - Tuesday, January 14, 2020 Ending date - Saturday, April 4, 2020 after our final performance.
Q: How long is the semester? What if I need to be absent and how are "tardies" counted?
A: Each semester is typically 12 to 13 weeks long depending on the calendar. Attendance is extremely important to ensure a successful choir experience and a well prepared concert. Missing more than 2 rehearsals is cause for dismissal. Two tardies are counted as an absence. We take this very seriously. Please contact Sherry Barron (Director) if you find that you must exceed two. Life happens! Excessive absences must be approved before they are able to participate in the final concert.
Q: Will there be any performances?
A: Yes! We will have at least one mandatory performance each semester. This is a free concert open to anyone who wants to attend. As well, there may be a possibility of outside performances of the children to participate. The outside performance is an opportunity for the students to give of themselves by performing for others in the community. Attendance at the outside performance will not be mandatory, but we strongly encourage everyone to participate! We work together as a team, when a team member is absent, the entire team is affected. In December of 2019, we were invited several places to sing!
Q: Does my child have to purchase a uniform?
A: Our desire is to keep the cost of this choir as affordable for our families as possible. No, your child is not required to purchase or wear a uniform; however, our performances will be formal so we do expect each student to wear a white collared long sleeve or 3/4 shirt and either black pants or a black skirt with black shoes. Bow-ties for boys are provided for the concert but must be returned! We want out students to look and sound their very best and bring excellence unto the Lord. Rhythm Band included!
Q: Can I get a refund if I decide to drop from choir or rhythm band?
A: All fees paid are non-refundable after August 1, 2022.
Q: Who is the director for the choirs?
A: Sherry Barron, a National Board Certified Music Educator, is the founder and CEO of The Academy for Cultivating Creative Arts, LLC and was the Curriculum Co-ordinator/Foundations Teacher for Kids’ Orchestra (2013). Currently, Sherry works as the Music Performance Coach for the Elementary Schools in West Feliciana Parish. Sherry is also a Co-founder, Ministry Director, and Bible teacher for Restore Ministries, a women’s retreat ministry. Mrs. Barron holds a Bachelor of Vocal Music Education from Louisiana State University and attended Southeastern Louisiana University with a concentration in piano performance and also holds certification in Music/Early and Middle Childhood from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (2006). She has directed various types of choirs for numerous years and has taught in both public and private school systems. Sherry’s professional organizations includes: Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra (BRSO) Education Committee Chair and Executive Board Member, Past President of the Red Stick Chapter of ASOA, Ex-Officio Board Member of Louisiana Music Educator’s Association (LMEA), Music Teacher’s National Association (MTNA), Baton Rouge Music Teacher Association (BRMTA), and the American Orff-Schulwerk Association (ASOA). She has served as a co-writer of the Louisiana State Music Curriculum Guide (2007) and the LA State Textbook Adoption Committee (2011). Her accomplishments include BRSO Music Teacher of the Year (2005), Bains Lower Teacher of the Year (2006), National Board Certification (2006), Honorary Commission as an Educational Leader and Mentor for the Congressional Youth Leadership Council (2005), and Who’s Who Among American Women (2007). She presents at various non-music and music workshops and has served as a panelist for the Cecil J. Picard Educator’s Excellence Symposium. Sherry was the Co-Producer for the television/radio broadcast of Kid’s Jamboree, an International Christian Ministry for children (1985-89). Very active in her church’s Worship Arts Ministry (WAM) for 20+ years, she also co-directed the WAM for Kids ministry. Instructing students of all ages, she has maintained a private piano studio for 30+ years. Mrs. Barron is actively involved in many facets of visual and performing arts and teaches Professional Development workshops to school systems and music organizations. Sherry’s passion is to share the beautiful art of music through a variety of means. She has a passion for planting musical seeds, growing and nurturing them to establish strong musicians that can give back to the artistic community at large. Visit her website for the many offerings she has for the surrounding Baton Rouge Area: www.cultivatingcreativearts.com
Q: Who is the Theory Instructor?
A: Hiring
Q: Who is the Rhythm Band Instructor?
A: Candi Lindsay, mother of eight and has worked with Rhythm Band since its beginning! Candi is a stay-at-home mom and homeschools her children. She has a tender heart of service and holds a BS in Management Information Systems. She calls herself a technology geek (Facebook, twitter, blog) but is a wanna-be photographer! Candi is married to Craig and their family loves the beach. She has been directing the Rhythm Band for the past year. Candi's name also describes her personality. She is "sweet" with a heart for the Lord and she desires to bring out the best in her students. We are very fortunate to have Candi as part of our team!